Baby Pic App: Review


Browsing through Instagram the other days I noticed an advert for the Baby Pics App.

I had always ignored it before, but something about it stuck out to me this time and I clicked on it to find out more. Turns out it’s a pretty cool app.

It allows you to add cool graphics and text to your photos before loading them to Instagram.

The app itself cost me R50 and then for the ultimate pack that includes all the graphics and fonts was a further R69. So that was around R120. I don’t often buy apps so I felt it was ok to pay for the app (I admit to using free apps almost exclusively). I’m happy I paid the extra for all the extra graphics and fonts. It makes for a much easier user experience.

I find the app easy to use. You can take a photo or import one from your gallery, it has a few filters, but you can always add filters in Instagram is you prefer. The graphics and fonts are easy to select, resize, reposition, change the colour. In a few moments, you have a very cute photo to put up on Instagram.

I think this app is brilliant for anyone with kids. Willow is 15 months old and I’m still getting a lot of use out of it. That said, I do think that someone who is pregnant or had a newborn/young baby will get a ton of use from this. This makes marking milestones, months, weeks, first all so simple. You can even create pregnancy announcements and birth announcements.

Another great feature is that you can order prints directly through the app, which is a nice feature to make use off.


I really like this app and highly recommend it!

*Not sponsored. All opinions are my own*


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