
Hello and welcome to my little corner of the internet. My name is Kierryn and I’m a 30 year South African living in the trenches of motherhood and adulthood.

I am happily married to A, who puts up with my ways and essentially keeps us all alive and thriving. We have a beautiful little girl named Willow who is three going on 16. She keeps us on our toes! We have all been learning and growing together and so far it has been a wonderful adventure. We also have two cats – Foxtrot and Tango.

My little family and I are facing our biggest challenge yet, adding another member to our tribe. Life is about to get a whole lot harder and a whole lot more fun. Navigating being a mom and being pregnant has been a ride so far and I am looking forward to what comes next.

I love things like beauty, fashion, good (or bad) TV, sewing, knitting and gardening. Not to mention a well-made cup of tea. I am passionate about learning to be a good mom, finding things to make life with a toddler a little easier and raising a well-adjust human being all while staying true to myself and feeding my creativity and passions. It’s a balancing act I haven’t figured out yet.

On this blog I share pretty much everything that interest me from what my family is getting up to, to products we love, activities we enjoy, restaurants we frequent and things we’ve made.


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