Adventures in adult braces: November 2017

I can’t remember if I wrote about my October appointment or not. I think I did, but I’m too lazy to go look through my post history right now.

Long story short I was left very sore and disappointed at the end of that appointment. The date to take my braces off had been pushed back again. The changes they made to the tension etc was very uncomfortable and I left feeling my there had been no progress and the damn things would never come off.

What a difference a month makes. My progress is still much slower than I would like but it looks like my teeth are 99% to perfection. I spoke candidly with my doctor and told him that I was really over this and anything he could do to get this done quicker would be greatly appreciated.

After the examination he got out a mirror and showed me what he was trying to achieve. Basically my alignment has been corrected, but he’s working on getting the tooth placement absolutely spot on. Three teeth in my upper jaw on the right and one tooth in my lower jaw on the left are not playing ball. These teeth need to touch to be in the correctly placement and right now they are so slightly splayed that if I wasn’t told what to look for I would never notice. But being a perfectionist and a professional my orthodontist is not happy to take the braces off with these teeth in their current placement.

He did make a compromise with me. My next appointment is at the end of January. We will do an evaluation on that date to see whether the teeth are touching and if they are the braces will be removed two weeks after that. So send me all the good vibes that my teeth move over the next eight weeks!

As for the tightening etc. the stubborn lower tooth (this is the same tooth that has been out of alignment since the beginning), has been wired to within an inch of its life!. The gauge of the wire on my lower was once again increased and no changes were made to my upper teeth. My elastic configuration has changed again and all this combined has put immense pressure on the two teeth in particular that need to move. But this is nothing compared to the pain of last month, which is disconcerting. I really hope it’s doing something!

So that’s where I am right now. I’m getting quietly optimistic that come February my braces will be removed. I’m practically willing the teeth to move. I have to wear the elastic day and night and I’m trying to be super conscious about making sure they are in 24/7.

Another post about why I haven’t been posting…

Well, hello there. Seriously long time no see.

I’m not going to bore you with reasons justifying my absence or regale you with tales of what I’ve been up to. Because honestly? It hasn’t been all that exciting. I have been in a really weird headspace and blogging was the last thing I wanted to do. Pretty much all I’ve done for months is hang out with my family, go to work and sew. I have done so much sewing.

I love it more than I ever thought I would. That sewing machine scared the crap out of me at first and I had it for almost a year before I plucked up the courage to learn how to use it. Now we’re besties. Just go to show that good things happen when you move out of your comfort zone.

All this sewing means that my closet is being overrun with me made items (I love it!) and I haven’t bought a ready to wear piece of clothing in months. It also means that my wish list of toys has gotten a lot more expensive and my bank account is crying in pain at the thought of it. I dream of a bigger, badder machine, I dream of an overlocker, I dream of an embroidery machine, I dream of a new house with a room for my sewing stuff. Sigh.

I’m also at a crossroads with regards to my blog. All I really want to talk about is sewing and Willow, sometimes sewing for Willow. And I’m not sure if anyone really wants to hear me witter on about that. I don’t have the energy to run two separate blogs and content for both. Hence, the radio silence.

Also, this year has just been long. Is anyone else feeling flat and tired or it just me? I feel uninspired and in need of some serious downtime.

Everything right now seems to be a lot harder than necessary. We’ve had some emotional stuff going on and my dad’s just had a knee replacement o my sisters have been on the country in relay. I’ve been trying to spend time with everyone, get stuff done at work, keep on top of housework and more. 2017, you’ve been real but I’m done now.

I only have two weeks left of work for the year and then we’re on a well-deserved break.