Sage: 3 Month Update


My little snuggle bug is now three months old and I just cannot believe how fast this is going. I thought time floew with Willow, now I feel like we’re on hyperdrive.

Sagie is such a happy little person. Our day to day lives are settling into a good routine and somehow she feels a lot easier than Willow was. I think of that probably comes from the fact that I’m an ‘experienced’ mom now who has a few tricks up my sleeve and has learned many hard lessons along the way. But I also feel some of that is just her.

She’s a very easy going little person. She likes to sit quietly with you and snuggles a lot. She absolutely thrives on physical tough. But you cannot leave her unattended or try and concentrate on anything else when she’s up because she throws the biggest tantrums known to man when she is not the center of attention at all times. The baby wrap and baby carriers are lifesavers here, especially when it comes to preparing dinner at the end of the day. Our meals are still super utilitarian due to the extreme lack of time.


She is not a big fan of tummy time and thought she still whines and complains all the way through it she is getting so much better. I have noticed a big improvement in how long she can hold her head up these days. During tummy time she holds her head up supported on her arms (perfectly in line with her age) and when being carried she is perfectly upright with no head wobbles at all.

She’s just gone through her third Wonder Week leap. Already I can see signs of new ‘abilities’ coming through. She’s blowing spit bubbles, her hands meet on the midline, she constantly has her hands in her mouth. She is also fascinated with her hands and feet and has started to ‘chat’ with everyone in the family. She particularly likes to talk with A which is adorable to watch.  and she has those moments of crazy, frenetic movement followed by moments of stillness.

We’re about to move up to size three nappies and we’re pretty much out of all the 0-3 clothing. This is a much more gradual change than it was with Willow. I remember Willow used to go to bed one night in her clothes and then the next day nothing would fit anymore. Sage has slowly been growing out of her 0-3 clothes over the past two weeks. She is very long in the body and the legs.

She had her 14 week jabs last week as well as her first dose of Synagis, which is a very expensive inject that we are hoping will protect her against RSV. So far we have been completely asymptomatic since coming home from the hospital, but we are due to see the pulmonologist in March. She was seen by her pediatrician just before she got her Synagis injection and he was very happy with her growth and how she’s doing. He’ll see her again before her next injection at the end of March.


She is a pretty good sleeper. That is definitely one benefit of the NICU – good sleep training from the start. She sleeps from about 7pm to around 3 or 4 am for a feed and is back to sleep until around 6am. Sometimes I can feed her and get her back into bed until 7am.

Her daytime sleep leaves some room for improvement though. Her naps are 30 minutes long and her awake times are between 1 hour and 1 hour 30 minutes. SO I feel Like I am permanently putting her to sleep. It’s exhausting and by the end of the day, I’m finished.

I know the sleep consolidation is coming up at 4 months and I’m sure everything will change again. That’s the thing about babies; just as you think you’ve got everything figured out they change all the rules.


Sage eats well and is growing at a good rate. She’s a natural breastfeeder and I can attest that it is 100% easier with your second baby. There was no getting to know you phase. Once I was able to breastfeed her she just got right into it. To the point now where she refuses the bottle if I’m around. I am starting to work on building up my freezer stash for when I go back to work. This is uncharted territory for me and I’m not sure what I’m doing. We’ll see how it goes.