Where I’ve been and a life update


I’ll be honest with you. I have written and rewritten this post about a hundred times. I am just never able to get the words out in a way that seems appropriate to the occasion. So I’ve decided to just let it all out. If this post winds up being one huge ramble, I do apologize.

It has been pretty quiet around here recently and I have a very good excuse for laying so low. You see, I have been feeling so incredibly ill that just getting through the day has been a challenge. Things are getting better now thank goodness, but there was a very dark period there where I struggled to drag myself from bed and collapsed back into it as soon as I got home from work. Thank goodness for A, who has managed to keep our home going and the family fed.

The reason for this never-ceasing, debilitating nausea? Well, Baby H #2 has been making my life difficult of late and probably will continue to do so until it makes its grand entrance in late November/early December. Yes, Baby #2! We weren’t expecting it to happen so soon and we are over the moon.

This first trimester has been rough on me. With my pregnancy with Willow the nausea cleared up magically overnight and it was never this intense. With this little one I have been sick since about 5 weeks and I have been getting better by very small degrees from about week 10 or so. I have gone from feeling sick all day every day to feeling sick most days to have little bits of nausea here and there. I have also had the typical achy boobs, bloating, sore back, fatigue and more which has all combined to make me a pretty useless, miserable human being.

But along with the lessening nausea I have also seen my energy coming back slowly but surely. I now feel clear-headed and enthusiastic during the day. I still get tired easily and am ready to collapse into bed by about 6pm. But it’s better and I’ll take it.

We have had our NT scan (I have a post coming soon) and everything is going well with the baby. This is wonderful news considering we had a spot of drama right at the beginning. What is a Kierryn pregnancy without drama?

Basically, my OB-GYN called me in for a scan because she wasn’t happy with my progesterone levels and she wanted to see what was going on. It turns out that I must have ovulated a lot later that cycle because the fetus was smaller than it should have been for its gestational age. We had a stressful time of it for a few days because the other option was a missed miscarriage. I had yet another blood test (my fifth at this point) to check my hormones and went back for a heartbeat scan five days later. All was well at that scan. We detected a strong heartbeat and my blood test results came back to show my hormones were increasing normally. But the idea of a missed miscarriage was incredibly scary and kept playing in the back of my head throughout this trimester. I feel a lot calmer and happier now that we have had our NT scan and we have seen how much the baby has grown.

So yes, that’s our news! We’re pretty sure we know the sex already, but we’re waiting for the next scan to confirm. Willow has taken the news very well and seems to be quite excited, but I’m not sure how much she understands at this point. Our family and friends are all thrilled for us. We have some exciting times ahead!