The month that was: October 2018


Another whirlwind of a month has come and gone. I have to say I’m rather looking forward to November. Not only will be closer to meeting this baby but I have some much-needed downtime lined up and I can’t wait!

October kicked off with a bit of a babymoon staycation for A and myself. Willow went to spend a week with her grandparents and even though we just stayed at home because we had to work, it felt like a mini holiday. I didn’t do any cooking or cleaning and we took our opportunity to chill and go to bed really early!

Things kicked into high gear again when she got home though. We had our 4D scan and I was able to take Willow to with me, which was a lovely experience. She so enjoyed it and still talks about how the baby was playing peekaboo with her.

The very next day was our 32 week Dr appointment. Bubs is still growing well and was measuring a week ahead, which made me very happy. But we also discovered that she was already fully engaged and my Dr feels strongly that she will probably be early like her sister. Needless to say, I got the hospital bags all packed as soon as I could, just to be prepared. We go back to the Dr in early November and we will hopefully get more clarity at that appointment.

Meanwhile, I have reached the exhausting tail end of pregnancy. Each week I can’t fathom how I can get any bigger and then I do. It’s pretty amazing what the body is capable of. Bubs lying so low has brought on a lot of lower back and hip pain. Sleeping especially is a struggle. Lying too long on my side causes immense pressure in my hips. I have also got a pretty significant waddle when I walk. I feel like I have a bowling ball between my legs. Oh and let’s not forget the lightning crotch. I remember this from Willow and it is the least pleasant thing I can imagine. I have also noticed an uptick in Braxton Hicks contractions which border on painful sometimes. And Bubs is running out of space so her movements can be quite painful too. I’m definitely reaching the end of my tether here. Although I want her to be as healthy and as ready as possible I feel pretty ready for her to come now.

We managed to fit in one last trip to see out parents in the Lowveld before I was put on a travel ban. I will admit I was a bit nervous after my Dr’s appointment, but it all went very smoothly. The trip coincided with A’s parent’s 40th wedding anniversary and they had a big party. We got to take some of our friends with us and my parents were able to join in so we had a great time with everyone who is important to us.

October is also my birthday month and this year we just had a quiet celebration at home. Our friends came round for a picnic while we had an epic thunderstorm outside. The kids trashed the house and we got to chat, laugh and eat to excess. It was brilliant. The next day (my actual birthday) I got to go fabric shopping with my best friend while A watched Willow and then we spent the rest of the day on the couch watching movies. A perfect weekend in my opinion.

Over the last weekend in October I was treated to a small baby shower. It was lovely that people took the time to think of me and Bubs and we had a wonderful afternoon at home. I have become a real homebody during the end of this pregnancy so it was really nice to have the chance to spend time in my space with my people.

In amongst all of this activity, I have been working hard to get everything at work all wrapped up. As it now stands I have two weeks of work left before I go on annual leave which will roll over into my maternity leave. I am more than ready for a break. Even just a few days at home to catch my breath before Bubs comes sounds like heaven!

 I hope you all have a good November!

Sewing – I haven’t done much sewing this month. I have just had no energy or enthusiasm. I made Willow a tank top earlier on in the month, but I still haven’t hemmed it. It’s made from a knit and at this point I think I’ll say the raw edge is a style choice. I have picked up my knitting again because I can do that while lying in bed or on the couch.

Cooking – Again cooking has been as simplistic as possible. I haven’t felt much like eating lately and I cook simply because the rest of the family needs to eat. To be fair, cooking really means throwing something into the oven and making a salad.

Drinking – A lot of water. I’m always thirsty!

Hoping – to make it to 37 weeks at least with this pregnancy. My original goal was 38 weeks, maybe we’ll still get there. I am pretty much ready to be done now though.

Loving – All the love we have been receiving. I got thoroughly spoiled both for my birthday and for my baby sprinkle.

Hating – the feeling of intense pressure in my hips that I get if I lie on one side too long, and also running out of steam during the day. I get tired so easily.

Buying – We bought the last few baby things we felt we needed when we got to go to a baby expo this month. I now feel like we’re all set for her to make her arrival.

Watching – This month A and I discovered the Good Doctor and we’ve really been enjoying it. It’s a nice show to watch in the evenings after Willow goes to bed.

Sporting – unruly hair and a pregnancy glow. I must say that I really do appreciate how good my skin looks at the moment. Its one of the few perks of late pregnancy. My hair is out of control though. I need a cut!

Laughing – at myself trying to roll over in bed. I resemble a turtle stuck on its back

Admiring – my beautiful to do lists that this are about 90% done. It’s a good feeling to set goals for yourself and an even better feeling to mark of the accomplished tasks. I will be all done with work in the next two weeks. *gives self a high five*

Thinking – about how awesome it’s going to be to have a few days at home to relax. I cannot wait to be done with work for the year. I did plan to work up to the 11th hour, but I have come to realise that I just need to rest up a bit before Bubs comes.

Planning – What we’re going to do when I go into labour and the first week after the baby arrives. At the moment the plan is that when I see my Dr over the next few appointments if she sees signs of labour coming on she will start it for me. Willow was an exceptionally fast birth and second babies tend to be faster, my Dr wants me in a controlled environment when it happens. If that’s the way it goes then Willow will still be in school for the majority of it and a friend of mine will collect her and keep her until A can go fetch her. This option is a lot more comfortable for me. But I do have a backup plan in case I go into labour in the middle of the night.

Baby H #2: 35 weeks


As I sit here writing this I have been struck down with a head cold. Let me tell you, this sucks. I could be very descriptive about how much it sucks, but I’m too polite to put that ish down in writing.

But let me put it this way: It’s the middle of a heat wave here, I can’t breathe because I am seriously congested, but at the same time my nose is seriously runny. I look like a sick Victorian child who won’t make it through the winter. I have an annoying cough and I’m tired because not only do I have to get up 10 times a night to pee, but now I can add not being able to breathe to the list. Take my advice and avoid getting sick in the third trimester at all costs!

We have also been a one car family this week as mine has been getting repairs done. This is not ideal as A and I work on complete opposite ends of the city, but somehow we’ve managed to make it work. I have just been praying super hard that I don’t go into labour before my car is sorted.

Other than that this week has been marked by plenty of painful Braxton Hicks, especially in the afternoons and evenings, nothing timeable, but they are always accompanied by period-like cramps and I have had to breathe through them a time or two. I have also had tons of lightning crotch and have been just generally exhausted and grumpy.

On a positive note, next week is my last week at work and then I’m on leave! I’m seriously looking forward to some down time.

How far along? 35 weeks

Baby is the size of a: Honeydew melon

 Total weight gain/measurements: 66.5kg. Still gaining 500g per week

 Stretch marks: Nothing yet

 Best moment this week: I’m struggling to pin down a moment. Last week was hard and I felt like I was waiting for it to end since Tuesday. I had a moment of extreme disappointment when I woke up on Friday morning only to realise it was Thursday…

 Miss anything? Being healthy. I’m over this cold.

Movement: Bubs was moving regularly but not as vigorously as she normally does. I’m pretty sure it’s because I haven’t been as active this week myself. But whenever I’ve done kick counts she’s been well within the movement recommendations

Food cravings: I haven’t really wanted to eat. I’ve been too sick and too hot.

Exercise: I have not been great at exercise this week, but I have had an awful head cold, so I’m cutting myself some slack. I did manage to squeeze a toning workout in at the end of the week and that’s just going to have to be good enough.

Gender: A girl!

 Symptoms: I have been getting a lot of crampy, achy, lower abdominal pain and lower back pain lately. I’m not sure if its a result of sitting a lot more than I usually do as I’ve been ill. My energy levels have been seriously low this week and I have been very irritable. My Braxton hicks contractions seem to be remaining the same though. I have also seen a lot of swelling in the heatwave we’ve had, especially my feet, but I’ve noticed in my hands as well. I still get hip pain at the end of the day and pressure in my hips at night. I have also felt like I’m being burned alive in this heat. I had forgotten just how hot you get during a summer pregnancy. Oh and let’s not forget the lightning crotch.

Belly button in or out? It has officially popped.

Wedding rings on or off? Completely off and replaced with one in a larger size

 Happy or moody most of the time: I admit I have been moody AF this week. Being this far along and sick is not something I would recommend. I would get through my energy reserves pretty quickly and then get super snippy with everyone. Sorry family.

 Looking forward to: We have our 36 week appointment next week. I’m hoping that we will get more clarity one what may happen the following week. As the 15th is close approaching. Also last week is my last week in the office. I will be on leave from Friday!